The Goal in Life

There is no shame in making mistakes while trying to figure things out. The goal is to live a fulfilling life, not a perfect one.

— @robhillsr

Figuring life out. Haven’t we all been there? I know I have. As somewhat of a perfectionist, I have a hard time making mistakes or saying that I don’t understand how to do something. I want to be the very best! But, realistically, that isn’t doable. And I know that.

I hate making mistakes, but if you were to ask me the lessons I’ve learned along my life’s journey – the painful lessons always pop into my head first. These are the lessons that came at a price. That price was sometimes my pride, my embarrassment, my ego, my financial status, my relationships, and so much more. If you were to ask me my greatest accomplishment in the work I’ve done over the last 21 years,I would have to think about it. But, if you were to ask me my greatest regret, I could tell you in a heartbeat.

Our mistakes teach us. They do not define us.

Read that again.

Our mistakes teach us.

They do not define us.

Who we are at our very core is made up of so much more than the mistakes we make along our journey. Our character is made up of values and beliefs and what we know of right and wrong. Most of us do not intentionally try to do wrong. We want to do what is right. But sometimes our situations, who we are with, and our circumstances in that moment can cause us to make mistakes.

And, that is okay.

We won’t know if we don’t like broccoli, unless we have tried broccoli. I personally love broccoli – raw in salads and cooked with cheese! But, I wouldn’t have known either of those things unless i actually tried broccoli raw and cooked. Sometimes we can be surprised by the results while we are trying to figure things out.

Even to this day, I’m at a crossroad. I’m getting ready to retire from the military and will be moving on to the next chapter of my life. I will still work full time as a civilian for the Air Force, just not in uniform any more. My hope is to continue to write and grow this blog. My goal is to inspire and motivate my readers and maybe make a little coffee money in the meantime.

I tried several times to “make money online” only to be disappointed each time. The other thing I’ve found out about myself is that I do not have the salesperson mentality – at all! So, multilevel marketing was never going to work out. But, I love to learn. I love to share what I’ve learned with others. And, I love to write. So, this blog began and I continue to enjoy writing every chance I get.

Signing up for the multilevel marketing programs were mistakes. But, I’ve learned from those mistakes and am moving forward. My failure in those programs do not define me as a blogger. In fact it allows me to better relate to my readers. And pointed me in the direction of writing and creating this blog.

So, I encourage you to make mistakes!

In making them we learn more about ourselves.

An in learning about ourselves, we live a more fulfilling life!

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